Nishmat Shalom Community Decision Meeting (CDM) Agenda
17 November 2015 – Meeting hosted by Emily
Attending: Carol, Ed, Emily, Max, Claire
Regrets: Alice, Alex, Ethel
•Treasury Report (Alice, by email)-Balance forward as of August 18, 2015: $602.32. Expenditures to cover childcare, npo group hosting, bank charges, and Torah repair supplies: $205.00. Contributions received: $736.00. Current balance: 1,133.32. The group thought it was a good idea to send a reminder email about contributions and Max will check in with Alice about it.
•Childcare Update (Ed) and Minyan Update: Childcare was hired and utilized for both the September and October Shabbat services, and childcare was donated and utilized for Neilah. We remember that we had a minyan by the beginning of Hallel in October, and that we had a minyan for Neilah, and we do not remember whether or by when we had a minyan in September.
•Tu B’Shvat Seder: We decided that Nishmat will not hold our own Tu b’Shvat seder and will let participants know of others. Claire is leading a seder at Netivot Shalom at 5 pm on Sunday January 24th.
•Early 2016 events, including next CDM: Dates for third Saturdays: January 16th, February 20th, March 19th, April 16th. Next CDM: February 2, 2015, Tuesday evening at Emily’s.
•Target date for next newsletter mailing: January 5, 2016 to include next CDM and services through April.
•Shalom Bayit Chanukah Tzedakah Project: We are not able to participate this year for a variety of logistical reasons. We would love to participate in the future and welcome volunteers to make their interest known to the Nishmat list. Thanks to Ethel for emailing Shalom Bayit and letting them know we can’t participate this year and are interested for the future.
•Torah repair updates: Max has now reglued the disk on the handle (one that was previously repaired). Carol has found a source of gid (sewing material, like thread) and ordered some for us. Tentative sewing event: Friday November 27th at 10:00 -11:00 am at Emily’s to be announced by email. (Update: thank you to all those who participated and helped with sewing!)
•Website announcement: (Max) The Nishmat Website was previously hosted at Comcast as a personal webpage donated by a Nishmat supporter; Comcast has now terminated that feature and it is now temporarily hosted at sonic at Max’s page. He is looking for another option and he will come back to the CDM with costs if there are any. Forwarding has been changed so the page should be working.
Upcoming dates already calendared:
November 21st - 3rd Shabbat morning service – Emily
December 11th - Joint Nishmat – Beyt Chesed Chanukah Party – Lincoln and Madeline
December 19th - 3rd Shabbat morning service – Len and Tovia
New dates:
January 16th- 3rd Shabbat morning service
Tuesday, February 2, 2015-CDM at Emily’s
February 20th - 3rd Shabbat morning service
March 19th- 3rd Shabbat morning service
April 16th.- 3rd Shabbat morning service
Nishmat Inter-CDM Decision List w/last date of attendance as of 11/17/2015:
Alex 8/26/2014 (Leyning Coordinator)
Alice 8/18/2015 (Treasurer)
Carol 11/17/2015(Davening Coordinator)
Claire 11/17/2015 (attended by phone 8/18/2015)
Ed 11/17/2015 (Childcare Coordinator)
Emily 11/17/2015
Hanna (attended by phone 1/20/2015)
Judy (attended by phone 5/19/2015)
Max 11/17/2015 (Mailing list Coordinator, Website updates)
Ethel 8/18/2015 (Community email contact); attended by phone 11/17/2015
Other ongoing coordinators:
Debbie (e-Announcements)
Raja (Website updates)
Open coordinator positions:
Tzedakah Project