Community Decision Meeting Took place Tuesday evening, Feb 1th, at the home
of Ethel Murphy: It started at 7:45. Stopped at 9:45pm.
PRESENT: Max, Vicky, Carol, Raja, Ethel, Paul
March 19 [need hosts]
March 29 CDM (if Ethel's not around, Paul will host)
April 16 [April 24 is Pesach -- seder is Sat night 4.23]
May 21 [Lag B'omer is May 27]
June 7 CDM
June 18 [Shavuot is Monday 6.13] Hosts should contact Carol
NEWSLETTER will come out in late Feb.
Used to put "pet advisory" in the calendar, esp for allergens
Vicky needs help from hosts about specifying the details of each home
Contact person will be included in future newsletters with consideration for formatting.
Max reviewed the "membership" forms, but his assessment is that there's nothing newsworthy. In the next cycle, let's consider dropping the form, since it hasn't generated information above and beyond what we know.
One year trial from unanimous consensus to minimum 7 people present, with "80%" vote with 6 people [complete clausal
structure read aloud by Vicky] There have been no occasions when this new procedure has been invoked. Vicky recalls the
historic context and the compromises that were made by all involved. We voted unanimously to renew for a year, with
re-evaluation in the first session of 2006.
2- CHUMASHIM: Max pointed out that we already agreed to buy one copy of Alter's *Five books of Moses* ($23). Ethel has enabled us to get copies of Hertz -- she will call Netivot tomorrow (Weds)-- Paul will pick them up if needed. Carol will look at her copy of Plaut, and see if it's possible to donate. Special fundraising for book may be a project in the future; we could reach out to our members to request (e.g., Etz Chaim costs $75, of which the typography is critiqued) Max now has transparent tape of library strength. To help people not lose them, it's now possible to create an art project. Logotype might come from the graphic that would also be used in brochure.
3- DISPOSAL OF SIDDUR PAGES from last update -- Raja will take them to be geniza'ed; he has others that will be combined.
Previous balance: $ 828
Income: 225 (Latest "membership" donations)
Outgo: 80 (Dec & Jan childcare)
Current balance: $ 963
This balance includes donations from 16 households since our fundraising letter. We note that 80 to 90 people receive the
newsletter; 46 are on the listserve. Raja also sends to 18 people who are not on the listserv, but have indicated that
they'd like to be given a bit of info from time to time.
EXPENSE POLICY: Going forward, we have agreed that any extraordinary allocation (of a size equal to or greater any budget item) requires at least an email signoff from the community.
PROPOSED RAISE FOR CHILDCARE, PART TWO: We previously increased payment to $40 per session, with the decision to
wait until we saw our funds. We're going to re-visit this in 6 months, unless someone in the interim decides to sponsor
the $65 increment
We also noted that, next year, passing the hat at the Tu
B'Shvat seder could reduce the expense
6- SURVEY: Ethel's report
Contacted by Jewish Outreach Institute, funded by the Goldman Foundation
Found us through Jewish Resource book Wanted to know how we respond to non-Jewish spouses or children Ethel reported our
custom that if a person is self-identified as a Jew they can participate in aliyot, lead services and count in a minyan.
we welcome anyone to worship, study and teach with us. Ethel asked that we be provided with a copy of the survey.
7- WEBSITE updates
Max was waiting for the CDM minutes
Commitment: Minutes will go out tonight; if comments are back before shabbat, final minutes will be sent by Monday.