Minutes March 16, 2004

Nishmat Business Meeting
Jim, Carol, Max
Tue Mar 16 2004

1 Scheduling
2 Women's Torah Project information update
3 siddur changes
4 inreach and outreach followup
5 possible co-sponsorship of Krassen-Kaplan shabbaton and workshop
6 possible co-sponsorship of NHC Summer Institute t-shirt (probably $35)
7 how to properly honor and say farewell to Jim and Anna

The Krassen-Kaplan Shabbaton came as a surprise to some of us, and it conflicts with a Nishmat Shabbat morning service. If we had known of it (sooner) we could have rescheduled. We would like to encourage people who discover such conflicts to let the list know, ASAP, even if it seems too late. We will handle the rescheduling decision through our between-business meetings process.


Sat March 21 (Kunofsky-Shandling)
Sat April 17
Sat May 15
Sat June 12-not the third Shabbat due to Eli Wirtschafter becoming Bar Mitzvah on 6/19.
Sat July 17
Sat July 30th - August 1st: Hot Spring Shabbaton (tentative)
Sat August 21
Sat Oct 2 (during Sukkot)
Sat Oct 30
Tue evening June 8 Business meeting
Tue evening September 7 Business meeting

We discussed the idea of having a service at Tsvi and Ilana's in SF, but since Nishmat has a policy of having its services within walking distance of central Berkeley, we can't do it. It's also an additional burden for the child-care person (who would have to travel to SF on his/her own time) and for logistics (ie moving the Torah and her ark.) But we happily endorse the idea of services being held there, and would cheerfully loan him our siddurim and Torah (on non-conflicting days of course.)

We briefly discussed the possibility of sponsoring a Selichot service and/or a Neila service and break-fast. We will take these up at our June business meeting.

Women's Torah Project information update
Carol continues to investigate the status of the project.

Siddur Changes:
We tried the new pages at the last Shabbat service and people seemed to like them. Send further comments and opinions to Carol.
One suggestion (from the collating party) is to do pagination section by section (so we can change e.g. just Pesukei d'Zimra without having to renumber Shacharit. No concensus was reached. We reiterate that one reason our siddur is looseleaf is to allow us to make changes. So we can predict that no matter what numbering system we use, we have to make it easy to do insertions.

4 inreach and outreach followup
We appreciate Paul Whitmore volunteering to become recording secretary. He will attend future business meetings.
We will very much need a davening coordinator.
We will need some person to be the second listserv administrator.

5 possible co-sponsorship of Krassen-Kaplan shabbaton and workshop
We will co-sponsor the Sunday workshop, but not the Shabbaton because it conflicts with our own Shabbat morning service.

6 possible co-sponsorship of NHC Summer Institute t-shirt
We approve a sum not to exceed $36.

7 how to properly honor and say farewell to Jim and Anna
No consensus was reached.

No treasurer's report was received. The Treasurer is in Seattle.