Nishmat Shalom CDM Agenda – 16 March 2010 

Present:  Alex, Alice, Carol, Ethel, Lea, Max, Vicky

Regrets:  Emily, Hannah, Raja

1)    Treasurer’s report:  Balance forward as of January 11, 2010: $660.89; Outgo since January: total $162.48
(Childcare: $80.00; Newsletter mailing: $62.48;  NPO group hosting: $18.00; Bank charges:  $2.00.)  Income:  $208.00  received; In-kind contributions of $35.20 for stamps and Tu B’Shvat seder costs (in lieu of $55/budgeted cost). Current balance: 741.61.  (Note: annual budget for 2010 was estimated at $708.00).  

       We noted that donations have been trickling in since the appeal in the fall.  Lea suggests that next fall an email appeal be coordinated as a followup to the mailed out appeal.  We plan to send our appeal letter to arrive around Rosh HaShanah.

Calendar/Newsletter updates:  we are calendared for Shabbat mornings through June; our next CDM is in mid-June.   We need to calendar further Shabbat morning services at the next CDM. Vicky suggests a mini-newsletter in early July for July, August, September (4th Shabbat is Sukkot). (Include Neila and camping if we are doing them).  We might the have an overlap our newsletter that starts in September through December or January.  We might or might not have a CDM between June and the appeal.  

We thank Rivka for hosting the Tu B'Shvat Seder and donating expenses to Nishmat.

4)   We would like (in principle) to co-sponsor the community Tikkun Leyl Shavuot on, Tuesday evening May 18th.  However, at this time, several of us who have regularly volunteered to teach or assist are not going to be available on that date.  Also, at this time, no one has volunteered to co-sponsor a service. Alex will send a message to our list to solicit volunteers, and let Robin know our situation, and will communicate back to the CDM group if that’s necessary.

5)    18th anniversary Shabbat (to be hosted by Alex and Eve on 15 May 2010).  Lea will send out an email to collect brief tributes/memories to read at the event and be available afterward (maybe on the website).   After collecting the text, she’ll ask the J about writing an article, with the document available as a resource, and possible photos from past Nishmat events with permission of those photographed.   Lea suggests targeting April 15th as a date to solicit the J, and will ask for Judy’s help in writing up a press release.   Alex volunteers to bake a cake for the celebration. Vicky will ask Ed to write a song and coordinate entertainment.   Max will forward Lea’s email to Nishmat members who have moved out of the area for their input. 

Publicity: We did not reach consensus to purchase an ad in the Tribute Book for Kehilla’s Simcha 25 celebration.  In discussion, we noted that this type of ad would provide potential publicity for Nishmat, but not include detailed information.  We also noted that we get many requests for donations from a variety of organizations and have declined in the past.  We agreed that Lea would send in information about Nishmat events for the emails that Kehillah sends out about community events.   She will get an okay from any host before communicating their address.

Documents on the web: Max raised a concern about putting Nishmat documents on the website because there is no way to make them secure.   For example, the fundraising letter draft includes last names that could be accessible to people outside of our organization.  Minutes are mostly html files (discourages indexing by search engines). We agreed that Max will edit the fundraising document to delete full names and home address. 

Non-Shabbat morning events:  we got great feedback on both the Tu B’Shvat seder and the Erev Shira, and agreed that the high majority of the events were a success.  All non-Shabbat events should continue to go through the CDM.   Some events last summer and fall were smaller, possibly due to short lead time.  We want to be sure that we have someone who spearheads each event, and a second person to assist whenever possible.

Books giveaway: Max proposed a “free book” page on the website, for books of Jewish interest to be available for local pickup to anyone who has made a financial contribution to Nishmat, to encourage involvement and support of Nishmat.   Concerns were raised about distinguishing donors from non-donors.  We did not come to consensus on this proposal.   Meanwhile, we agreed that Max will send out an email offering books to anyone on the Nishmat list. 

10) Childcare: after considerable discussion, the following proposal was proposed for the June CDM agenda:  For one year, effective July 2010, continue with our system of having a professional childcare provider available for each Nishmat Shabbat morning service, with the exception that if our regular provider is not available, the childcare coordinator will first call a volunteer experienced in childcare to see if that person is available before calling other professionals.   We will continue to use the current edition of our brochure (which includes mention of childcare) during this year.   

In discussion, there was broad consensus on several points, including:  we value the participation of families with young children (including the 3 young children who are currently part our community); we are very happy with the work of our current childcare professional, George; we acknowledge there have been a few times over the years when we have hired a childcare professional, but there were not children present. 

A wide range of comments were made, with points including:  Professional childcare costs $480/yr but sometimes there are no young children present * Could we ask parents to RSVP?* Are RSVPs practical? *from the provider’s point of view—would someone want to work on this basis?* From the parents’ point of view—sometimes life w/young children is unpredictable* Maybe volunteers could take turns providing childcare once or twice per year each* if we use volunteers, they should be experienced*ask parents to check in every half hour or so*do we screen volunteers for skills?* acknowledge different rules/needs in different houses may be better addresses by a professional’s judgment. 


11)   Raja has volunteered (and we have accepted) coordinating inter-CDM decisions indefinitely.   Carol will send him the CDM list. 

For next CDM Agenda: – 15 June 2010 – Meeting hosted by Emily

Treasury update

Set dates

Who will draft fundraising letter?

Discussion on additions or suggestions for our liturgy

Childcare proposal;

: For one year, effective July 2010, continue with our system of having a professional childcare provider available for each Nishmat Shabbat morning service, with the exception that if our regular provider is not available, the childcare coordinator will first call a volunteer experienced in childcare to see if that person is available before calling other professionals.   We will continue to use the current edition of our brochure (which includes mention of childcare) during this year.   

Can/should we implement electronic-only newsletters to some of our list?

Camping Shabbaton
Book project ( In March, Max proposed a “free book” page on the website, for books of Jewish interest to be available for local pickup to anyone who has made a financial contribution to Nishmat, to encourage involvement and support of Nishmat.   There were concerns raised about distinguishing donors from non-donors.  We did not come to consensus on this proposal. )