Community Decision Making Meeting: 1/12/10
Present: Emily, Lea, Alex, Carol
Regrets and Input from: Raja, Alice, Ethel
We reached consensus on the annual renewal of the decision on decisions
which provides for how we would make decisions in the event we did not
reach consensus. Members can find the text on the website
under “administrative.”
2. We received the treasurer’s report, including review of
historical cash flow: received $346 during calendar year
2009. Our current balance is $660.00. Our annual expenses
have been running between $670 and $700 dollars. During
2009 we spent: $500 on childcare; $122.75 for communications
(newsletter, mailings, domain hosting), National Havurah Committee
$36.00; Checking account fee $12.00. Total:
$670.75. Members have donated the cost for copying of the Nishmat
Shalom brochure and recent repairs to the Torah. We know there
are some checks that have not been deposited and the balance may be
adjusted. At next CDM, we will discuss whether to do a further
appeal for this year.
We budgeted for 2010 as follows:
$480.00 for childcare (12 Sat am services)
$125 for communications (newsletter, mailings, domain hosting)
$12.00 for checking account fee
$36.00 for National Havurah Committee
$55.00 for Tu B’Shvat
Total: $708.00
Tu B’Shvat Seder Saturday evening 1/30/10 – Rivka is the
host and main organizer; she has sent out an email invitation to the
group and requests RSVPs. There are 20 seats; 9 people have
RSVP’d as of the sending of the draft minutes.
Calendar updates:
Saturday mornings: February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15 (Alex
volunteers) -- all 3rd Shabbat mornings
June12 (Emily volunteers) -- 2d Shabbat morning
Potential hosts please get in touch with Vicky and/or Ed.
Erev Shira/Musical Evening: Claire will host on Saturday evening,
March 13th. Ethel has volunteered to assist.
CDMs Tues March 16th (Ethel will host) and June 15th (Emily volunteers).
18th anniversary Shabbat: We agreed we would designate May 15th
as the celebration of the 18th anniversary of Nishmat Shalom.
Anyone interested in planning this event should contact Alex. We
encourage people who haven’t participated in Nishmat Shalom for a
while to join the celebration. We celebrate the longevity of our
minyan and appreciate all the work and dedication it takes.
Instead of having a separate meeting to discuss liturgy, we decided to
calendar time to discuss ideas for services (such as different readings
and songs, variations on how we do things) at our next CDM in March.
How is kavanah giving going? Note: kavanot are the spiritual intentions
presented before each reading of an aliyah from the Torah. We had
consensus that it’s been going well; it helps to have people
prepared in advance. We appreciate our leyning and
davening coordinators who have arranged this!
Discussions after lunch: We have had some facilitated discussions
and some informal time. If anyone would like to lead a
discussion, please contact Lea. (If someone else would like to be
the contact, please speak up!) Otherwise, we will continue our
informal afternoons.
Proposal to store digital documents on the website (Nishmat flier,
fund-raising letter, etc.).
This was raised by Raja who could not attend the
meeting. We agreed that if Raja has the ability to
create a section of the website for document storage, keep it updated,
and make that accessible to Nishmat members but not others, he should
go ahead. If he needs more information or access, he should
contact our other webgabbaim or bring it to the next CDM.
Inter-CDM decisions: We co-sponsored a concert in November
and the recent service in support of Women of the Wall. These
decisions were coordinated by Vicky and Carol.
Inter-CDM decision coordinator: Raja volunteers. Thank you!
Agenda for March meeting:
-Treasurer’s report - including timely deposit of checks and
possible follow-up appeal funds. Investigate whether we have solicited
people who are on email list but not newsletter list
-Discussion/evaluation of non-Shabbat morning events.
-Ideas for services
Form June: Plan appeal letter and follow-up by email.
Calendar July months forward.
Please contact Alex to add agenda items before the March CDM