Nishmat Shalom Community Decision Meeting (CDM) Agenda
12 Feb 2013 – Meeting hosted by Emily
Present: Alex, Alice, Carol, Emily, Lea, Max,
Regrets: Ed, Hanna
1. Treasury Report: Balance forward as of
09/03/2012: 662.60; Out: Childcare 160.00
(includes Neilah from Sept); Bank Charges: 3.00; Total
out: 163.00. Total in (Member Contributions):
198.00. Total Balance Forward as of 2/12/2013: $697.60
We note that we spent about $300 more than we took in last year.
2. Budget for the coming year 2013:
$520.00 for childcare (12 Sat am services plus
$125 for communications (newsletter, mailings,
domain hosting)
$12.00 for checking account fee
$36.00 for National Havurah Committee
$36.00 for Listserve (npogroups)
$55.00 for Tu B'Shvat (this has been donated for
Total: $784.00 less $55 = $729.00
We agreed on this budget, in anticipation of receiving further
donations. Carol will review the list of donees so far this year
and potentially send out email (s).
3. We renewed the procedure for non-consensus decision-making:
“Nishmat Shalom members strive to make all decisions by
consensus, to work for solutions that meet the needs of all members.
However, when consensus cannot be achieved, policy change decisions may
be put to a vote, as follows: On a trial basis lasting one year,
Nishmat Shalom shall substitute for unanimous consensus a minimum of at
least 6 people in the majority, representing at least 80% of those
present, e.g. 8/10, 8/9, 7/8, 6/7 (this means that more people would
have to come to business meetings to make non-consensus policy
changes). If fewer than 7 people are present, then unanimity is still
required for policy change.”
Last year, we discussed whether to make this a permanent decision
without the need for renewal and decided that we do want to renew it
each year. However, we decided that if we do not extend
this policy at any point, we will not call into question decisions that
may have been made by super-majority during the previous year. We
noted that anyone could bring a new agenda item to address the issue,
and that would need to be decided on by consensus.
4. Childcare Update: We had a professional childcare provider
present at each service since the last CDM. At the January
service, there were two children present, and none in December.
George does not recall the earlier months.
5. Shalom Bayit Project Report: Lea: This past December, we
raised $173
which was used to purchase a gift card, and luxury bath products were
also donated. Lisa from Shalom Bayit reports about the gift
recipient: "She was so touched, and actually cried. She said that
the cards would help her buy items that she has not been able to
afford, and was extremely appreciative. Please give your group a
heartfelt thank you. If you could all have seen her grateful
response, you would have been touched. Thanks very much to
all the donors!
6. Calendar review and setting:
March 16, 2013: Shabbat morning service
April 20, 2013: Shabbat morning service
May 14, 2013: Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
(Shavuot Days are 5/15 and 5/16)
May 18, 2013: Shabbat morning service Alex and Eve
volunteer to host
Sun afternoon, June 2, 2013 (Changed to June 9th
after feedback) : Possible Picnic Event, Place TBD
Tues evening, June 4, 2013: Community Decision Meeting at
June 15, 2013: Shabbat morning service
July 20, 2013: Shabbat morning service
7. Picnic: Lea and Alex are interested in
coordinating this for a Sunday. They will come up with a
proposal, tentatively for Sunday, June 2, 2013, (since changed to
6/9/2013) and will email the group. If plans are solidified by
the time the newsletter is produced (end of February), this will be
included. Discussion included planning this geographically close
by to maximize how many people might attend.
8. Tikkun Leyl Shavuot (Tuesday evening, May
14th 2013): If invited, we would be a co-sponsor of the
"All-Berkeley" Tikkun Leyl Shavuot at the JCC if no funds were required
and if we could meet the Tikkun's volunteer requirement.
Lea, Alex, Alice and Max are likely to volunteer to work at the Tikkun
but no one has yet stepped forward to coordinate the contacts.
9. Newsletter production: Ed will
make calls for houses, Carol will help Hanna get it formatted, Lea can
proofread, Alex will print and get it to Ethel for mailing. We
need the newsletter to arrive a few days before the March 16th service.
10. Follow-up to letter from a prisoner
requesting Jewish materials: Alex does not have any report at
this time, and will attempt to get some advice on this by the next
11. Torah case: Carol has located a
wheeled Torah case online and will email the most frequent Torah movers
and hosts to get input on it before the next CDM.
12. Greeter: We discussed assigning
a greeter for the service and decide to do this on a trial basis for
the next two CDMs. The role of the greeter includes: making
sure people who come in –especially new people—feel
welcome, help them find a chair, get a siddur, know where to put their
things, say “please wait to walk through” if they are
coming in during the Individual Amidah and Kaddish. Carol will
look for a greeter when she contacts people about davening.
13. After Lunch Talks: We appreciated the
talk by Mani Feniger on January 19. We have upcoming talks:
Max Weinryb on March 16 about "The Little Known History of the Orange
on the Seder Plate,” and Dan Joslyn-Siemiatkoski of the Graduate
Theological Union, about A Christian Perspective on Pirkei Avot, on
April 20. He'd like to know what specific questions we may have
(can let Ed know). If we can tell him by March that would be
Next CDM:
Treasury Report
Childcare Update
Followup on Prisoner Letter
Followup on Torah Case
Followup on Greeter
Setting up annual donation letter
Upcoming dates:
March 16th, 2013: Shabbat morning service
April 20th, 2013: Shabbat morning service
May 14, 2013: Tikkun Leil Shavuot
(Shavuot Days are 5/15 and 5/16)
May 18th, 2013: Shabbat morning service
Tues evening, June 4, 2013: Community
Decision Meeting at Emily’s
Sunday afternoon, June 9, 2013: Picnic
June 15, 2013: Shabbat morning service
July 20, 2013: Shabbat morning service
Nishmat Inter-CDM Decision List w/last date of attendance as of
Alex 02/12/2013 (Leyning Coordinator)
Carol 02/12/2013 (Davening Coordinator)
Lea 02/12/2013 (Shalom Bayit Coordinator)
Max 02/12/2013 (Mailing list Coordinator,
Website updates)
Alice 02/12/2013 (Treasurer)
Emily 02/12/2013
Ethel 11/13/2012 (Community contact)
Ed 11/13/2012 (Childcare Coordinator)
Vicky 11/13/2012
Hanna 4/24/2012 (Newsletter Coordinator)
Other ongoing coordinators:
Debbie (e-Announcements)
Raja (Website updates)