Nishmat CDM Notes for 8/18/2015

Present: Alice, Carol, Ed, Emily, Ethel, Max
Participated by phone: Claire

1) Treasury Report: (Alice): Previous balance 786.23; paid out $135 (childcare); $46.91 (newsletter);
$2.00 (bank charges). Current balance: $602.32.

Upcoming expense: Electric Embers (provides hosting for email list): Max will provide Alice with an
invoice number so that we can make our annual donation (already budgeted).

2) Childcare (Ed) for June, July, August services: We had professional childcare for all three services
and it was made use of each month.

3) Minyan (Max) for June: no minyan for Torah service; July: Minyan before Torah service; August:
Minyan by Kaddish

4) Tzedaka Project: Assuming we have a volunteer to coordinate the tzedakah project with Shalom
Bayit (and that Shalom Bayit continues to offer this program), do we again want to sponsor it? We may
have a candidate for the Tzedakah Project position! We will ask a confirmed volunteer to email the
Nishmat list. Note that this project will need to be started before the next CDM.

5) Newsletter: We are still looking for a new newsletter coordinator. Ed will start looking for hosts after
the November 17th CDM. At the next CDM, we will discuss how far ahead to try to calendar.

6) Presentation: We have invited Bessie share her experiences travelling in Poland after Shabbat
services on September 19th. We agreed we will not have a slideshow of photos (played on a laptop)
available but will ask her to show physical photos.

7) Torah service: We discussed that some people appreciate the piece “We Open the Ark” more when it
is read by one person and others prefer it when it is read by the group.

8) Tu B'Shvat seder: If we hold a Tu B’Shvat seder we would like to hold it on Sunday late afternoon or
evening January 24th (which is Erev Tu B’Shvat). Sunset will be quite early. Emily will follow up with
Claire in early November about whether Claire is available to lead this event. If she does, Claire would
like cleanup assistance.

Next CDM is set for November
*Treasury, childcare, minyan reports
*Must calendar forward and plan newsletter at that time
*How far ahead?
*Must decide about Tu B’Shvat seder