Nishmat Shalom Community Decision Meeting (CDM) Notes
04 June 2013
Present: Alex, Alice, Carol, Ed, Emily, Lea
Regrets: Ethel, Raja
1. Treasury Report: Balance forward
as of 2/12/2013: 697.60; Outgo: $160 for childcare; $36 for NHC
TShirt listing; Bank charges: $4.00. We received 36.00 in
member contributions. Current balance: $533.00.
During past years we typically have had more in the treasury at this
time, but in 2007 we were at this level.
2. Annual donation letter to
go out earlier than usual this year: Carol volunteers to
coordinate the letter this year; we reached consensus that the letter
would be written and finalized by the end of July through a process of
email drafts. It will then be ready to go out in the next
newsletter. (Rosh HaShanah is in early September this year.)
3. Childcare Update: We
hired a paid childcare provider for the last four services.
Children were present at three of them.
4. Follow-up on Prisoner
Letter – Alex has left a message for the Rabbi and is waiting to
hear back.
5. Follow-up on Torah
Case: Carol will be sending an email to those who are frequent
hosts regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the most likely
Torah case to get their input before the next CDM.
6. Follow-up on
Greeter: We have had someone in this role formally 3 times; from
the experience, we need to have a more specific description of how to
be helpful. Carol will continue to develop this.
Comments: how can greeter be helpful to people? Generally
sit by door. Be aware of where the books are and where we are in
the books.
7. Mailbox: Mail
addressed to Nishmat through the San Francisco PO Box (and forwarded to
Ethel) is rarely received in a timely way for organization purposes,
but it is also rarely of significance to us. Since more and more
items come electronically, we agreed that we will no longer ask Raja to
forward mail from the PO Box in San Francisco. No one has stepped
forward to contact all of the sending organizations so we agree the
mail can be marked “Return to Sender,” and Ethel will take
the PO Box address off of our listing in the Resource Guide. Note
that Ed has also volunteered to be a general phone contact for Nishmat;
he does not want to be an email contact.
8. Publicity for Nishmat Shalom
gatherings: On the one hand, we would like to publicize our
gathering to other groups such as Aquarian Minyan and Kehilla. On
the other, we want to respect the privacy of hosts.
When finding homes for services, Ed will ask hosts if their phone
number can be included on the web site and in emails to other
organizations. If hosts prefer not to have their own number as a
contact, Ed volunteers to put down his number for contact.
9. Picnic: Lea
reported two definites and three maybes for the event. Alex will
send an email asking people to RSVP to him if they are
coming. Alex and Eve have enough picnic goods on hand for
this event. There will be smores!
10. Possible speaker: Riqi mentioned she has a friend
from western MA, now living in the SF bay area, who has studied at
GTU. She recommends him as a speaker. Lea will get in
touch with him.
11. New Hallel Version: Riqi also notified us about a
new renovation of the morning psalms from Havurat Shalom. Carol
will check in with her this summer to see if Nishmat can get a copy.
12. Date setting:
Newsletter needs to go out by early August. (Alex is out of town
7/20-8/7; Carol out of town 7/28-8/12—can assist Hanna
before). Ed can work on hosts during July, Alex could print final
copy after he returns August 7th . ..(around 8th or 9th)
August 17th – 3rd Shabbat Morning Service
September 14th, Saturday, Yom Kippur –Neilah and Yizkor at Carol
& Steve’s (tentative)
September 21st- 3rd Shabbat Morning Service – Claire has
volunteered to host
October 8th, Tuesday-Next CDM
October 19th-3rd Shabbat Morning Service
November 16th-3rd Shabbat Morning Service
Chanukah: Shabbat Chanukah is Friday
evening Nov 26th
December 21st-3rd Shabbat Morning Service
Next CDM:
Treasury Report
Childcare Update
Date proposals for Jan-May
Upcoming dates already set:
June 9, 2013: Sunday picnic in Tilden Park
June 15, 2013: Shabbat morning service
July 20, 2013: Shabbat morning service
Nishmat Inter-CDM Decision List w/last date of attendance as of
Alex 06/04/2013 (Leyning Coordinator)
Alice 06/04/2013 (Treasurer)
Carol 06/04/2013 (Davening Coordinator)
Ed 06/04/2013 (Childcare Coordinator)
Emily 06/04/2013
Lea 06/04/2013 (Shalom Bayit Coordinator)
Max 02/12/2013 (Mailing list Coordinator, Website updates)
Vicky 11/13/2012
Ethel 11/13/2012 (Community email contact)
Other ongoing coordinators:
Hanna 4/24/2012 (Newsletter Coordinator)
Debbie (e-Announcements)
Raja (Website updates)
Attended by phone:
Claire 8/23/2011 (consulted by phone on 11/13/2012)