Nishmat Shalom Community Decision Meeting (CDM) Minutes
13 November 2012 – Meeting hosted by Emily
Attending in person:  Alex, Alice, Carol, Ed, Emily, Ethel, Lea, Max, Vicky 
1. Treasury Report submitted by Alice: 
Balance forward as of 09/03/2012: $624.60
Outgo: Childcare 120.00 (including 40.00 not yet paid for Ne’ilah); Newsletter postage 36.00;
NPOgroups hosting 36.00; Bank Charges 2.00; Total out: $194.00
Member contributions deposited $192.00; Max reports additional contributions received $144.00; $18.00
received at the meeting.
Projected Balance as of 11/13/2012:   $824.60
Contributions are less than our annual budget (approximately $600) but for now reserves are adequate.
2. Childcare usage report: We hired a childcare provider for each service since the last CDM.   At two
of these services there were no children present.
3. Sponsorship of the 2012 National Havurah Committee Summer Institute:  Max displayed the shirt
(which he purchased while attending as an instructor) – Nishmat Shalom is listed as a sponsor.
4. Protective case for the Torah: Carol would like to find a case that would protect the scroll and the
atzei chaim (wooden rollers) during transport, since the Torah is moved frequently.  Lea investigated hard
shell cases for golf clubs ($200 to $300) and for musical instruments ($600 and up).  Rolling golf club
cases weigh close to 20 pounds.  Since the Torah weighs 22 pounds, the total weight for transport would
be around 40 pounds, heavy but feasible in a rolling case.  The case would also protect the Torah during
storage outside of the ark.  It’s not clear whether any of these cases is the right shape for the Torah.  Max
found a “cases-to-go” web site with prices in the $200 to $300 range; Carol finds this price range
acceptable and will investigate further.
5. Additional Spring 2013 Shabbat dates: March 16th (after Purim), April 20th (after Passover), May
18th (just after Shavuot).  Ed can start to find hosts.
6. Fall fundraising letter follow-up: An electronic reminder will be sent (separate from the Shalom
Bayit fundraising message).
7. Shalom Bayit fund-raising project: For the eighth consecutive year, Nishmat Shalom will sponsor a
woman (“Anna”) who is escaping from an abusive relationship.  Lea will send out the appeal message.
8. Chanukah: Lincoln Spector confirmed by phone that he and Madeline will host the joint Nishmat –
Beyt Chesed Chanukah party on Friday, December 14th – doors open at 6 PM, service at 6:30 PM.
9. Tu b’Shevat Seder: Tu b’Shevat will be Saturday, January 26th, 2013.  Since Beyt Chesed generally
meets on the last Friday evening of the month, a joint event might be possible.  When contacted by phone,
Claire Sherman agreed to host a Seder on Friday evening, January 25th.  Claire is prepared to organize the
Seder.  When contacted by phone, Ann Litwack supported the idea of a joint Nishmat – Beyt Chesed
Seder, and may assist Claire in leading it.  Lincoln Spector will announce the joint event on the Beyt
Chesed list.
10. Retreat Planning: The St. Columba retreat center in Inverness would cost $90 per person (for two
nights).  Since interest appears to be limited, Lea suggested planning an alternative, outdoor activity, e.g.
a Lag b’Omer picnic (Sunday April 28th, 2013).  Several people mentioned schedule conflicts that day. 
Further discussion deferred to the next CDM.
11. Follow-up to letter from a prisoner requesting Jewish materials: Lea provided contact information
for Rabbi Eliahu Klein (who is a prison chaplain) but Alex had not yet followed up.

For Next CDM Agenda (2/13/2013):  
Treasury Report
Childcare Update
Shalom Bayit project report - Lea  
Picnic / outdoor event planning
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot (Tuesday evening, May 14th, 2013)
Newsletter production
Follow-up on protective case for the Torah – Carol, Max
Follow-up to letter from a prisoner requesting Jewish materials - Alex
Upcoming dates:  
December 14th (Friday evening): joint Nishmat - Beyt Chesed Chanukah service and party
December 22nd:  Shabbat morning service hosted by Ed
January 19th, 2013: Shabbat morning service hosted by Emily
January 25th, 2013 (Friday evening): Tu B’Shvat seder hosted by Claire
February 13th, 2013 (Tuesday evening): Community Decision Meeting (CDM)
February 16th, 2013: Shabbat morning service Hosted by Paul and Miryam
March 16th, 2013: Shabbat morning service
April 20th, 2013: Shabbat morning service
May 18th, 2013: Shabbat morning service
Nishmat Inter-CDM Decision List w/last date of attendance as of 11/13/2012:  
Alex 11/13/2012 (Leyning Coordinator)
Carol 11/13/2012 (Davening Coordinator)
Ed 11/13/2012 (Childcare Coordinator)
Emily 11/13/2012
Ethel 11/13/2012 (Community contact)
Lea 11/13/2012 (Shalom Bayit Coordinator)
Max 11/13/2012  (Mailing list Coordinator, Website updates)
Alice 11/13/2012 (Treasurer)
Hanna 4/24/2012 (Newsletter Coordinator)  
Vicky 11/13/2012
Claire 8/23/2011 (consulted by phone on 11/13/2013)
Other ongoing coordinators:
Debbie (e-Announcements)
Ethel (Community contact)
Raja (Website updates)