Nishmat Shalom Community Decision
Meeting 9/8/09
Present: Alex, Ethel, Alice, Lea, Carol, Vicky, Max, Emily Regrets:
1) Treasurer's report: Current balance $593.04;
Outgo this quarter included:
$3.00 in Bank Charges;
$120.00 in childcare; $36.00 to
National Havurah Committee;
$57.00 for domain hosting.
Alice has resolved all but $25.00 of outstanding checks.
Note: our fundraising this past year did not match our budget; we have
actually spent about
$300 into our previous reserve.
2) Calendar updates through January 2010:
-We will not be hosting a Neilah service this year;
Max offers to host
a break-fast gathering at the conclusion of Yom Kippur on Monday,
September 28 and will let Vicky know timing for the newsletter.
-Shabbat Sukkot service 10/3 will be at Paul and Miryam (already
-Nishmat Friday evening service w/Beyt Chesed, 10/30/09;
volunteers to lead = we do need house;
-Shabbat am services: November 21 (Emily volunteers to host)
-Shabbat am services: -December-12th = 1st day of Chanukah (2d
Shabbat) = (Alex and Eve)
-Shabbat Chanukah Friday evening, 12/18, hosted by Lincoln and
-Shabbat Service = January 16th (Rosh Chodesh; include Hallel);
note this MLK weekend, and agree it will be the day for the January
service = need host
-Tu B'Shvat is Saturday, January 30th ; we decided to hold our
seder after Havdalah, and accept an offer from Rivka to host it
(confirmed after meeting)
-Next CDM date: Tuesday, gather at 7:30; start at 7:45 promptly;
January 12, 2010; Emily will host.
3) Lea reported on a successful Camping Shabbaton = 16 adults and 4
children attended.
4) We agreed that Nishmat Shalom will again participate this year in
the tsedakkah (charity) project of anonymously purchasing hanukkah
gifts for a family affected by domestic violence, through Shalom Bayit.
We thank Lea for coordinating this project.
5) Marking our 18th anniversary and using this as an opportunity to
publicize Nishmat Shalom: we will look toward a Shabbat morning in the
spring to do this; bill it as a reunion, possibly write something up,
solicit memories.
6) Publicity: Letter to Hadassah Magazine in response to article on
Havurot. Ethel will work on getting the article to Carol who will
respond after Yom Kippur.
7) We revised our brochure this summer and it will be sent out with the
fundraising letter, finalized tonight (Vicky). Thank you, Alex, for
making the typeface look so beautiful! We should also have some
brochures in our Shabbat box. Members please take a few brochures and
distribute around town.
We decided to store digital copies of our 2009 brochure draft and
fundraising letter; disburse to: Lea, Alex, Alice, Max.
8) Kavanah giver: Alex will find out if leyners wish to give kavanot;
will let Vicky know if another kavanah giver needs to be found. All to
be done considering the flow of the service.
9) Healing circle: Lea would like us to have a healing circle whenever
requested; as it represents an opening in the service. Discussion noted
we do this most services, but not always in the same way or with the
same prayer. Also that different parts of the service have special
meaning to different people, and there's a wide range of opinion on
how to do the Torah reading. The CDM is the place to bring ideas for
services. Please bring them!
10) Follow-up on letter of kashrut for Sefer Torah: Alex will do one
more round of follow up.
11) Inter-CDM decision coordinator: Raja
*For Next CDM: *
Treasurer's Report
Annual renewal of the decision on decisions
Calendar a musical evening before time change.
Should we have a specific meeting to discuss liturgy?
Planning 18th anniversary Shabbat
How is kavanah giving going?
Proposal to use the website to archive