AGENDA 4/8/08 CDM at Emily's
Regrets: Lea, Vicky
Present: Emily, Ethel, Eve, Alex, Max, Carol, Robin, Shana, Raja, Alice, Ed
1) Tzitzit tying: Members of the Nishmat community joined in tying the tzitzit on one corner of Alice Webber's tallit in preparation for her upcoming conversion. MAZAL TOV!
2) Calendar: We will hold svcs on the 3rd Shabbat morning June, July, August, September, October. Ed will find hosts by late May so Vicky can get the newsletter out (her goal: May 30)
Emily volunteers to host one of these, Alex and Eve volunteer to host in August.
Lea is encouraged to go ahead and invite Josh G for another after-services talk.
Despite interest, we did not have a coordinator for a pizza event on Sunday 4/27/08--Pesach is over at 8:38 pm. Anyone interested in spontaneously hosting, email the list.
CDM Tues 6/24/08 Emily
CDM Tues 9/9/08 Emily
Note: The late-August or early-September newsletter will have the fundraising (annual appeal) letter and our events through December.
Summer Retreat: Lea would like to know who might be interested in attending or helping to plan a summer retreat, or has ideas for a good location. Raja is interested in working on it, and will get in touch Lea. Others interested should email email . If the retreat is going to be included in the newsletter, details must be given to Vicky by the 3rd week in May. The retreat should not conflict w/planned Nishmat services.
Tisha B'Av: Erev Tish B'Av is Saturday evening, August 9. Nishmat will not be sponsoring our own event. Aquarian Minyan, Kehilla and Chochmat HaLev may do a joint event as happened last year, but it will not be at the JCC this year, and hasn't been planned yet. Nishmat is open to co-sponsoring and participating with these groups.
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot: Sunday night June 8th. Alex reported on the planning meeting at the JCC. Nishmat is a co-sponsor. This is the 25th annual! Nishmat will be leading a morning service. Carol is coordinating. Please get back to her if you are interested in participating! We need to get the times from Robin. Alex will distribute notes from the planning meeting to the Nishmat list when the notes are available.
4) Treasury Report-Current Balance: $913.68. We will be sending a fundraising letter before the High Holy Days.
5) Website: THANK YOU Raja for taking on the posting process. Carol will send current minutes to CDM attendees for corrections and then w/in 10 days will post to Nishmat list and Raja will take it from there. Goal is to have past minutes up within three weeks.
6) Brochure: we are close to out of copies; Lea probably has 30 or so. Latest edition was fall 07. Info is still current. Max has white masters and purple paper to make copies. Carol has text for inner page on her computer. Max can copy them. (50 more before Tikkun; Shana will fold). 250 by Jewish Film Festival (to fold at next CDM). Raja will look into how to make this into a .pdf. At this time, it appears that we have adequate supplies to make these copies, but we allocate up to $25.00 if needed for the next round of copying.
7) Inreach and Outreach:
Per Shana: culled a list of names. Lea: talked to a few people to take off the list back in January. We would also like to do outreach to those on the list who might be interested in joining us at services. We passed the list around so we could volunteer to call individuals we know might be interested, or to recommend people be taken off the list.
From Carol: Many times at services we get a minyan plus . . . but not until quite late. How can we encourage the one or two people it would take to come earlier by half an hour to an hour? Carol and Ed will each make 2 to 3 calls per service.
8) Soferet/Obtaining Certificate of Kashrut: one contact was made by friend of Robin, but no response. Vicky proposes to take this up in June. Meanwhile, Carol requests that if anyone sees that Avielah Barclay is advertised as teaching or speaking in a particular location, please let Carol know so contact can be facilitated. Raja will research contact information for her and suggests sending her a letter we have drafted for her signature.
10) Keeping services flowing, especially Torah service: Lots of little reasons we run behind. Shana reflects that length of kavanot can put us behind. Carol reflects that service leaders and kavanot givers need to review
Raja suggests that the Torah service leader say: "Our tradition is that we have one kavanot leader. If you have another kavanah in mind, please keep it in your intention as you come up to the Torah." Eve points out that when someone prepares the kavanah for one or two aliyot, it is easier to go over, but when someone is preparing for seven aliyot, the total length is more obvious.
11) Report: Bechol Lashon Purim event was cosponsored by Nishmat Shalom but we did not have a booth there.I
12) Alice will serve as the intra-CDM decision coordinator between this meeting and the next. Members, PLEASE plan to take care of business at the CDM so we do not burden our intra-CDM coordinator. Also please note that our intra-CDM process takes 10 days for consensus to be achieved w/o individual consents.
13) Yeashore Bonfires: Nishmat will co-sponsor. Fee is waived.
For Next (June) Meeting:
Fundraising Letter--Who will write?
Vicky to proceed w/soferet petition & contact
Starting time of Shabbat morning services: