Nishmat Shalom CDM Agenda – 23 Aug 2011 – Meeting hosted by Emily
Present:   Alex, Emily, Vicky, Alice, Carol, Lea, Claire
Regrets: Ethel

Treasurer’s report:  Alice has reconciled our books since November 2010
Total Out since 11/9/2010:  385.00 (Childcare $340.00; National Havurah Committee $36.00; Bank Charges  $9.00);
Total In:  Member contributions   $243.00. 
Balance as of 8/23/11:  $721.61; includes all transactions to date, cleared and uncleared.

We determined that we have made all reasonable efforts to locate the childcare provider to whom a previous uncashed check for $25.00 was issued for a partial session and we now consider this issue closed.

NHC T Shirt Report:  We have arranged with NHC to have our name on their annual T-Shirt for a $36 donation, included in report above.  

Retreat Report:  Lea reports that there are two campsites reserved and is hoping for more participation.   She has also invited Aquarian Minyan and Kehillah members.  

Web Presence Decision: Carol will put up a page-by November 15th--(not a profile) for Nishmat Shalom with basic information from our brochure and a referral to our website.  We agreed that pictures of people will be posted only with explicit permission of anyone depicted.  This is to avoid Facebook using their photo recognition on anyone who doesn't want it.  We will ask Nishmat participants to “like” our page.   We will not send out additional announcements/updates from our page.  We will ask people not to give out street addresses, the practice we have followed through other web-based media.

Calendar Decision: We will hold a Yom Kippur Memorial & Ne'ilah service and Break the Fast (Oct 8th, Carol and Steve, Doors open at 5:30 pm, Services start with Yizkor at 6 pm).  We will ask Ed to look for a childcare provider for the event for our usual rate.

Calendar Decision:   We plan to hold a Tu B'Shvat Seder on Sunday, February 5, 2012, tentatively starting at 4.   Claire and Ed offer to host, and Claire will make the list of fruit.  She would like help with emailing and organizing the fruit and she is open to co-leaders.

Calendar decision:  We will hold an additional CDM on November 15th (not November 8th), to plan for winter other-than-Shabbat events, determine how to handle future newsletters, and preliminarily look at our income from the annual appeal.  

Appeal Letter Decision:  We reached consensus on the wording of our annual appeal letter for as drafted by Vicky.   Thank you, Vicky!!

Hanukkah Tzedakah Decision: We will again offer anonymous gifts through Shalom Bayit to a family affected by domestic violence, as we have done in previous years.  We thank Lea for organizing this program, which occurs about a month before Hanukkah.  We note there will be a few months between Nishmat Shalom appeal letter and the Hanukkah tzedakah project.

Ark Report:  Lea brought a picture of another ark for us to see.  Alex will followup with Max about follow-up with Jewish Milestones or with Bob Olken about designs for a new portable ark.  If we go forward with a new ark we will need donations.

Service Outline Decision: We will post revisions of the Service Outlines on the website.  The outlines were put together by our liturgy subgroup and serve as a reference for service leaders.   With these additions, we bring the outlines up to date with practice as agreed by the CDM.  Carol volunteers to write up the revisions and send them to our web-gabbaim.   See details below:

Torah Service Decision: At services, we will make sure to announce the page in our most common Chumashim when we start the Torah reading, and periodically throughout the reading, so that participants can more easily follow along in the book.  

Torah Announcement Decision:  The leyning coordinator will send the whole Nishmat email list information about the upcoming Torah portion, including a summary of the Torah portion and the aliyot that will be read, soliciting leyners and a kavanot giver.   We hope this broader email will give people the opportunity to study the portion in advance, whether or not they are leyning.  

Exhibition Decision:  Lea may send in her photographs of a previous Nishmat Shalom Tu B’Shvat seder to the Contemporary Jewish Museum (CJM)
exhibition that explores Jewish life in the Bay Area from the Gold Rush to the present, opening in November 2011.  Lea will label these as “Nishmat Shalom” and get permission from anyone depicted. Alex will send a .pdf version of our brochure.

Corrections to on-line service outlines:
Birchot HaShachar/Psukei Outline:  One change " may run up to one hour, from 10 am to 11 am"  to may run up to one-half hour, from 10:30 am to 11 am.
Shacharit Outline: No changes.
Torah Service Outline: Three changes:
1. Add timing:  "The Torah service runs from 11:45 to 12:45."
2. Change priority for Prayer for Healing from #2 to #1 (We agreed to provide a blessing for healing whenever it is requested by anyone present.)
3. Concluding section of service:  Currently reads "By decision of the business meeting, the Torah Service Leader continues with the
CONCLUDING SECTION." Add:  unless the Service leader requests someone to assist. 

For reference -- future dates with places as known
September 9th - 11th: camping Shabbaton at Butano State Park
September 17th (third Shabbat morning) at Len and Tovia’s
October 15th (third Shabbat morning, Sukkot, Chol Hamo'ed) at Clarie and Ed’s
November 15th Tuesday evening, CDM at Emily’s
November 19th (third Shabbat morning, just before Thanksgiving week)--
December 17th (third Shabbat morning)--
December 23rd (Friday night, joint Chanukah Shabbat with Beyt Chesed)--
CDM to include Final planning for Tu B’Shvat Tuesday January 10th, 2012--
January 21st, 2012 (third Shabbat morning)--

For future CDM Agendas:
November 15th:
Treasury Report—including number of households contributing
Childcare usage report: Ed will get a report from George on the number of children using childcare at each of our services.
Date setting for the spring
Organization of Tu B’Shvat Seder
Future of the newsletter
Consider celebration of 20th Anniversary of Nishmat Shalom
Follow-up on possible speaker after services (Ed)
Follow-up on ark (Max)

January 10th:
Treasury Report—including number of households contributing
Childcare usage report
Date setting review
Set Budget for 2012
Annual review of nonconsensus decision procedure
Final planning for Tu B’Shvat