Nishmat Shalom Community Decision Meeting (CDM) Agenda
19 May 2015 – Meeting hosted by Emily
Present: Carol, Ed, Emily, Max by phone and email:
Claire, Alice, Ethel, Judy, Alex
Regrets: Alice, Alex, Ethel, Lea
1. Treasury Report:
Balance forward: 1,124.16 as of
January 20, 2015;
Outgo: Childcare x 4 =
Member Contributions Adjustment
Newsletter Postage
National Havurah Committee T-Shirt Sponsorship:
Bank charges
Total out:
Total in:
Balance forward:
2. Childcare Update (Ed): George has been in attendance to
provide childcare each month since the last CDM; we have had a child
present each time except for the May service.
3. Minyan Update: February-Did not make a Minyan; March-Minyan by
end of Torah Service; April- Minyan by Shacharit; May-Minyan by
Mourner’s Kaddish
4. Ark: Max will look into whether it’s feasible to attach
a strap to secure the Torah in between services when it’s in the
ark. Max plans to do this when moving the ark to Claire and
Ed’s for the June service. Carol will wash the
curtains before the ark is next moved and make any needed sewing
5. Fall Appeal Letter: Ethel has volunteered to draft the appeal
letter for the coming fall. We appreciate Judy Kunofsky for her
support on this task. Judy has communicated her availability to
6. Newsletter questions: Carol proposed that we suspend our print
newsletter for one year, with the exception of a "High Holy Days'"
issue to give us an opportunity to evaluate the effect of not having a
print newsletter and also seeing if the energy that has gone into the
print newsletter can be directed toward supporting other aspects of our
organization. We did not come to consensus on this
proposal. A lot of people seemed eager to pick up a print
newsletter at our last event as soon as they became available. We
like knowing that our Nishmat diaspora also receives them.
Therefore, we will continue publishing a print newsletter.
7. Newsletter logistics: We discussed that Max has solved some issues
to expedite the printing of the labels and also that we may need to
print the newsletter more often to avoid people having to plan hosting
too far ahead. At this time, we plan to continue printing a
newsletter three to four times per year. Next Newsletter: goal to
send by August 9th with appeal letter enclosed; complete information
for draft by August 5th. Alex will send an email to all involved with
the housing and newsletter coordination with a list of what is needed
by when.
8. Assistance for coordinators: discussed various logistical
9. Upcoming Locations for August and calendar – see below
Upcoming dates already calendared:
May 23rd (Saturday evening – Sunday morning) – Tikkun Leyl
Shavuot at the JCC East Bay
June 20th - 3rd Shabbat morning service – Claire and Ed
July 18th - Shabbat morning service – Ed Silberman
August 15th - 3rd Shabbat morning service – still looking
Future dates to be calendared:
August 18th CDM Tuesday evening at Emily’s
Sept 19th-3rd Shabbat morning service-Shabbat Shuvah Carol and Steve
Sept 23rd (Weds, around 6-6:30 pm) Neilah Service –
tentative – Carol and Steve
Oct 3rd Shabbat morning service-Shabbat Sukkot
- Claire and Ed
Nov 17th CDM Tuesday evening at Emily’s
Nov 21st 3rd Shabbat morning service - Emily
and Hannah Rose
Shabbat Chanukah Friday evening 11th/Saturday the 12th
Dec 19th 3rd Shabbat morning service -
Nishmat Inter-CDM Decision List w/last date of attendance as of
Alex 8/26/2014 (Leyning Coordinator)
Alice 1/20/2015 (Treasurer)
Carol 5/19/2015 (Davening Coordinator)
Claire 1/20/2015
Ed 5/19/2015 (Childcare Coordinator)
Emily 5/19/2015
Hanna 6/10/2014 (Newsletter Coordinator); attended by phone 1/20/2015
Lea 8/26/2014 (Shalom Bayit Coordinator)
Max 5/19/2015 (Mailing list Coordinator, Website updates)
Ethel 6/10/2014 (Community email contact); attended by phone 1/20/2015
Other ongoing coordinators:
Debbie (e-Announcements)
Raja (Website updates)
For Next CDM Agenda: August 18th
Reports: Treasury, Childcare, Minyan
After lunch programming?