Nishmat Shalom Community Decision Meeting (CDM) Agenda 12 February 2014 – Meeting hosted
Present: Alex, Alice, Carol, Emily, Lea, Max
Regrets: Ed, Ethel
1. Treasury Report (Alice):  Current balance: 742.00.  (Balance forward as of 10/08/2013:   822.00
Outgo: Childcare, Communications (NPO Group Hosting) Tu B’Shvat Groceries, Bank Charges) $250.00
Income : Member contributions 170.00   (includes $50 toward purchase of Tu Bishvat groceries)

2. Budget agreed for the coming year (2014):
    $520.00 for childcare (12 Sat am services plus Neilah)
    $125 for communications (newsletter, mailings, domain hosting)
    $12.00 for checking account fee
    $36.00 for National Havurah Committee
    $36.00 for Listserve (npogroups)
    $55.00 for Tu B'Shvat
    Total: $784.00
We agreed on this budget, in anticipation of receiving further donations, and if we receive substantially more, we would like to consider a raise for childcare.

3. Childcare Update (Ed in absentia) We hired a childcare provider for all of the last four services. Three out of four of the past services have had children present.

4. Minyan Update- We agreed we will also keep track of have many services have a minyan present.  Three out of four of the past services have had a minyan present.

5. We agreed to co-sponsor of the Community Tikkun Leyl Shavuot (June 3rd, 2014), assuming we are able to do so under similar terms to previous years, that is, not making a financial contribution and providing volunteers.  Alex will serve as contact person.  

6. Upcoming teaching and discussion sessions after lunch, four have been scheduled (February, March, May and June).  Thank you, Lea!

7. We collected donations and needed items to give to an anonymous family affected by domestic violence as Hanukkah gifts through Shalom Bayit.  Thank you Lea for coordinating!

8. Renewal of Decision on Consensus Decision Making: We reaffirmed our decision-making process:

“Nishmat Shalom members strive to make all decisions by consensus, to work for solutions that meet the needs of all members. However, when consensus cannot be achieved, policy change decisions may be put to a vote, as follows: On a trial basis lasting one year, Nishmat Shalom shall substitute for unanimous consensus a minimum of at least 6 people in the majority, representing at least 80% of those present, e.g. 8/10, 8/9, 7/8, 6/7 (this means that more people would have to come to business meetings to make non-consensus policy changes). If fewer than 7 people are present, then unanimity is still required for policy change.”

Two years ago, we discussed whether to make this a permanent decision without the need for renewal and decided that we do want to renew it each year.   However, we decided that if we do not extend this policy at any point, we will not call into question decisions that may have been made by super-majority during the previous year.  We noted that anyone could bring a new agenda item to address the issue, and that would need to be decided on by consensus.

9. Childcare provider George offered to provide Jewish content and learning during childcare.  Carol will provide Jewish story books on long-term

10. Alternative Hallel from Chavurot Shalom: Lea agreed to follow-up from Riqi.

11. Update on possible hard-shell case for Torah scroll:  there is enough interest in this type of case that Carol will research specific possible cases to acquire with the goal of making a decision by the next CDM.

Upcoming dates:

Previously set:
February 15th - 3rd Shabbat Morning Service (Claire and Ed)
March 22nd – 4th Shabbat Morning Service (Alex and Eve)
April 26th - 4th Shabbat Morning Service –we still need a host
May 17th - 3rd Shabbat Morning Service (Miryam and Paul)
May 20th – Community Decision Meeting (7:30 PM at Emily’s)

Set at this meeting:
June 21st- 3rd Shabbat Morning Service
July 19th-3rd Shabbat Morning Service
Aug 16th-3rd Shabbat Morning Service
CDM Aug 26th (Emily)
Sept. 20th- 3rd Shabbat Morning Service
Neilah (if we host it) will be Saturday evening 10/4
Oct 11th - Hol ha-mo'ed Sukkot

Nishmat Inter-CDM Decision List w/last date of attendance as of 2/12/2014
Alex 2/12/2014 (Leyning Coordinator)
Alice 2/12/2014  (Treasurer)
Carol 2/12/2014  (Davening Coordinator)
Ed 10/8/2013   (Childcare Coordinator)
Emily 2/12/2014
Lea 2/12/2014   (Shalom Bayit Coordinator)
Max 2/12/2014  (Mailing list Coordinator, Website updates)
Ethel 10/8/2013 (Community email contact)

Other ongoing coordinators:
Hanna 4/24/2012 (Newsletter Coordinator)
Debbie (e-Announcements)
Raja (Website updates)

Attended by phone:
Claire 8/23/2011 (consulted by phone on 10/8/2013)