Nishmat Shalom Community Decision Meeting (CDM) Agenda
10 January 2012 – Meeting hosted by Emily
Present:  Alex, Alice, Carol, Emily, Lea, Max
Phone contact with Hanna, Claire
Regrets:  Ethel, Vicky, Ed, Raja

Treasury Report:  Balance as of 1/10/2012 is a total of $1025.81.  Since the last CDM, we have spent $82.00 ($80.00 for childcare; $2.00 for bank charges).   Our inflow over the past year was $504.00.  There were a number of in-kind donations for copying, childcare, postage, Torah repairs, domain and Tu B’Shvat seder items over the past year.  Total cash outflow was $427.00.
Budget for 2012 Set:  Includes all annual expenses we expect; other items may be brought to a CDM.  If we have substantial additional expenses (for a new ark, for example), we would potentially need to raise more money.

    $480.00 for childcare (12 Sat am services)
    $125 for communications (newsletter, mailings, domain hosting)
    $12.00 for checking account fee
    $36.00 for National Havurah Committee
    $36.00 for Listserve (npogroups)
    $55.00 for Tu B'Shvat
    Total: $744.00

We renewed the procedure for non-consensus decision-making: “Nishmat Shalom members strive to make all decisions by consensus, to work for solutions that meet the needs of all members. However, when consensus cannot be achieved, policy change decisions may be put to a vote, as follows: On a trial basis lasting one year, Nishmat Shalom shall substitute for unanimous consensus a minimum of at least 6 people in the majority, representing at least 80% of those present, e.g. 8/10, 8/9, 7/8, 6/7 (this means that more people would have to come to business meetings to make non-consensus policy changes). If fewer than 7 people are present, then unanimity is still required for policy change.”

    We discussed whether to make this a permanent decision without the need for renewal and decided that we do want to renew it each
    year.   However, we decided that if we do not extend this policy at any point, we will not call into question decisions that may have
    been made by super-majority during the previous year.  We noted that anyone could bring a new agenda item to address the issue,    
    and that would need to be decided on by consensus.

CDM List:  People who  attended a CDM within the past year are on the CDM list for the  purpose of making between-meeting decisions.  We decided to keep this practice in order not to make it too difficult to communicate with the group if a decision needs to be made in a short time frame.  The CDM list changes over time and can be determined by the minutes which are posted on the website.  Raja has volunteered to shepherd inter-CDM decisions.  If an inter-CDM decision comes up, Carol will help confirm the correct list at that time.

    We discussed that the want to be inclusive in our decision making, and that regardless of technology it’s possible for people to get
    left out. Carol volunteered to make a list (by first name only) to be posted for reference on the website to consist of those who have
    attended a CDM in the past year and who coordinate any business for Nishmat Shalom.  This list can be used by those who wish to
    communicate with a smaller group; this is optional and anyone who wishes can use the full Nishmat listserve.

Childcare usage:  Childcare has been used at both the services since the last CDM.   From this point forward, we will track from CDM to CDM.  

Dates/hosts are set Shabbat services through June (all 3rd Shabbat mornings).  Thank you, Ed! Hanna has a newsletter in draft form. Note: Carol and Steve will now host on January 21st. Lea will remind Paul to send an announcement to the list about the change of location.  Emily will host on February 18th.

Nathan (our former leyning coordinator) will visit Berkeley at the end of June.  We decided we would like to plan an additional event (not a Shabbat morning service) to host Nathan and family, to be announced in a June newsletter or on the listserve.   Max will follow up with Nathan about his availability and we will discuss in April.

Organization of Tu B’Shvat Seder – Sunday, February 5th, 4:30 to 7:30; hosted and led by Claire.  Lea volunteered to help clean up. Claire will send out an email asking for ritual food contributions and any additional help needed.    Lea will let Hanna know about the change of time for the newsletter.  

Tikkun Leil Shavuot (end of May):   If the All-Berkeley Tikkun is again held and we are able to co-sponsor without a financial commitment, and can provide the required number of volunteers, we agree that we will co-sponsor.  

VickyFest:  February 18th:  we discussed cake plans; Max will remind Ed about a song; Lea and Alex will work on a certificate;  Emily will get flowers.  We will have a circle to honor Vicky around 2 pm instead of Torah study.   

Newsletter:  Assistance for Hanna as she edits the next issue:  Lea will proofread for spelling, style, etc.  Carol will proofread for liturgical details.  Hanna will forward final version to Alex for electronic distribution (as PDF).  Alex volunteers to print the copies required for mailing. Max will print the mailing labels. Ethel has offered to host a mailing party for final newsletter assembly.
Lea volunteers to buy stamps and deliver them to Ethel.  Alex volunteers to collect the labels from Max and deliver them to Ethel along with the newsletters.  Thank you all!

    We affirmed that we will continue to maintain the paper newsletter as well as sending it out to the listserve as a .pdf.

For reference -- future dates as set previously; non-Shabbat in Italics
21January 2012 (third Shabbat morning)
Sunday 05 February 2012 – Tu b’Shvat Seder
18 February 2012 (third Shabbat morning)
17 March 2012 (third Shabbat morning)
21 April 2012 (third Shabbat morning)
Tuesday 24 April 2012 - CDM
19 May 2012 (third Shabbat morning)
16 June 2012 (third Shabbat morning)

For Next CDM: 24 April 2012
Treasury Report
Childcare Update – we will report usage from CDM to CDM
Dates for the summer and beyond
Spiritual Introduction to Torah Service
Tikkun Leil Shavuot if we hear anything
End of June event with Nathan (Max to follow up)
From Lea:  How can we incorporate a fuller discussion of the Torah reading into the service or during/after lunch?