MINUTES 10/9/07 Nishmat Shalom Community Decision Meeting:
Present: Ethel, Raja, Alex, Emily, Max, Vicky, Alice, Lea, Carol, Hannah Rose
Date setting for January through April
1/12 (Service 2d Shabbat-avoids MLK weekend and having a Shabbat Service and Tu B'Shvat Seder on the same weekend)-Emily has volunteered
1/21 5 pm--Monday Tu B'Shvat Seder; Robin has volunteered
2/16 Service (3rd Shabbat, President's Weekend)-Alex and Eve may be available
3/15 Service 3rd Saturday (and a few days before Purim) –Max vollunteers (also available to do May if someone else wants March)
4/8 Tues 7:45 CDM – Emily volunteers
4/12 Service (2d Shabbat--3rd is Erev Pesach)-host needed
5/17 Service (3rd Shabbat)—hhost needed
Ed has volunteered to find hosts. Vicky will communicate with Ed about getting hosts by end of November.
Tu B'Shvat Seder:
We appreciate and decline a request from Aquarian Minyan to co-sponsor at the JCC. We will have our own Seder and Lea will check about advertising the event on BayJews.org. We decided to accept Robin’s offer to hold the Tu B'Shvat seder in Walnut Creek at the Community Room of her complex, with a delay of posting this in the newsletter, pending Robin’s recuperation from shoulder surgery planned to take place the month before.
Lea volunteered to coordinate setup, cleanup, purchasing and leading volunteers. Claire and Mindy have expressed interest in leading. Hannah C. has expressed interest in helping with cleanup. Alex can help with copying if there is enough lead time. Max volunteered to help with revision. THANK YOU ALL! We plan to ask for financial donations at the Seder. We plan the Seder to include children and will not be having separate childcare.
Treasury report: and business related to income and outgo of funds
As of 6/12: $622.33
Since that time: We sent out our appeal letter, and have received approximately $600 in annual contributions from 12 donors.
Outgo: $395, for: Bank charges $4; Childcare: $185; Newsletter: $70; National Havurah Committee T-shirt: $36; Soferet: $100.
Current balance approximately: $825.00.
Alice is keeping track of the account; Max is keeping track of donors in case we decide to purge our mailing list in the future.
Change in start time of service and shortening Psukei DZimra: We agree to start services at 10:30 (change from 10 o’clock). We will word our announcements to say that Doors open at 10 am; services start at 10:30 am. At our April meeting, we must re-confirm this change or the time of service automatically reverts to 10 am start time as of June, 2008. Psukei will now run from 10:30 to 11. This decision was made by super-majority after a lengthy and spirited discussion, during which many and varied points were made. We would like the childcare provider to continue to start at 10 am.
No change in posting CDM minutes on the web page. Most supported keeping the policy as it is—that minutes are kept by decision point, and no last names are uused. If last names or any private information has been posted previously, notify Max and he will remove it.
Shalom Bayit's Chanukah project: Assuming it is again happening, Lea is willing to coordinate it and Nishmat will participate. THANK YOU, LEA!
Date conflicts: Lea has been in touch with Bob who is active in the Aquarian Minyan and sometimes sponsors services at his home in San Anselmo because of date conflicts with Nishmat. Bob responded in a very friendly way that these conflicts have not been avoidable.
Ethel announced a number of programs she learned of through the mail.
Draft minutes will be sent to those at the CDM: Raja will coordinate corrections and post to the whole Nishmat list.