Attending: Lea, Max, Carol, Ethel
Additional Input given by: Alice, Vicky, Robin, Raja
Already set:
Sat afternoon 2/3 Tu Bishvat Seder
Sat morning 2/24-at Emily's to include naming of Hanna Rose
Sat morning 3/17-at Lea's
Sunday, 3/25 at Carol's: Torah Bee #2 To review the end of the sefer. Carol will ask for time suggestions before the next newsletter goes out.
Tues 3/20 Community Decision Meeting - at /Max's /
Sat morning 4/21 To Be Set
Sat morning 5/12 /Carol, Steve and Bessie/
Note: We will meet on the 2d Shabbat of May in order to avoid a conflict with Aquarian Minyan.
Sat morning 6/16 (Rosh Chodesh) - /Paul & Miryam /
Tuesday 6/12 or 6/19 --Community Decision Meeting /at Ethel's/
Sat morning 7/21 To Be Set
Sat morning 8/18 To Be Set
DISCUSSION: Now that Or Zarua is meeting steadily on the 1^st Shabbat of the month, we can sometimes meet on the second shabbat so as not to conflict with Aquarian Minyan.
ACTION: Lea will make calls for remaining needed hosts.
DECISION/ACTION: Next newsletter/calendar to be mailed early March, include a brief query about the retreat (for people to get back to Lea. Following newsletter (August?) might be a longer one.
DECISION/ACTION: Since the February service date was announced incorrectly in the last newsletter, we will provide extra followup by special announcement on the listserve. Lea will consult with Emily about the announcement and send it out at least 2 times.
DISCUSSION: With their permission, Lea lists hosts on Bay Jews website, phone number, address and first name only. At services, everyone is encouraged to welcome newcomers and follow up with them. We have a supply of brochures in the box.
POLICIES: DECISION: We reached consensus to renew our "decision on decisions" which provides a procedure for decision-making in the event that consensus cannot be reached. Consensus remains the central decision-making principle of Nishmat Shalom. See
FINANCES: We have received $355 in the past 6 months, about half what we received in the same period last year, although attendance is up. (Note: This does not include 3 donations pledged since the report was compiled). Most of the reduction seems to be accounted for by a smaller number of donations in the same time period, including by people who attend regularly.
DECISION: We will re-ask for dues in a separate email to the list. ACTION: Lea will call people we haven't heard from in a while and encourage their participation and ask if they want to remain on the list.
DISCUSSION: We discussed how people should account for 'in kind' donations-eg. copying or computer expenses that they may not have asked for reimbursement for and did not come to consensus on this.
DECISION: Annual budget will be discussed at next meeting (set for 3/20)
DECISION: Budget will be included in minutes sent to whole listserve after minutes are approved by those at the meeting.
DECISION: In 2007, we will discuss our fundraising letter in June, and send it with the late summer newsletter, so it does not conflict with the Chanukah tzedaka project.
TORAH REPAIR: DISCUSSION: Thanks to Robin, it is very likely that soferet Avielah Barclay will be visiting the Bay Area in May and will, in addition to teaching in the community, do some repairs on the Nishmat Torah scroll. DECISION: In light of an in-kind donation for the cost of co-sponsorship (ie-it does not have to come out of the Nishmat treasury), Nishmat Shalom agrees to be a co-sponsor of Soferet Barclay's appearances in the Bay Area. DISCUSSION: The final cost of the repairs cannot be determined until the soferet actually works with the scroll. If the cost of repairs exceeds the pledged amount, a separate fundraising effort may be undertaken.
TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT: DECISION: Nishmat will be a publicized co-sponsor of the community Tikkun on May 22d. ACTION: Ethel will attend the planning meeting is on Wednesday, February 7th at 11AM at the JCC in Berkeley. At this time, we are not making a financial contribution.
SUMMER RETREAT: DECISION/ACTION: Lea will poll people in person and by email to assess interest, including exploring an 'other than hot springs' retreat possibility. One possibilty is a site in Yosemite, owned by a friend of Ethel's. We note that Nathan is unable to participate in a retreat this summer.
TZEDAKAH: Lea showed us beautiful letters and drawing from the family who received our gifts, as well as a thank you letter from Shalom Bayit.
JEWISH COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: ACTION: Ethel will see if Jewish-oriented 12 step program is ongoing, and will publicize to listserve if it is.
Budgeting for the year
Listserv announcement policies
Fundraising letter
Ark possibilities/recommendations