Nishmat Shalom CDM Notes – 31 Aug 2010

Present: Vicky, Ed, Emily, Lea, Carol, Max

Regrets: Alex, Alice, Ethel, Raja

1) Treasurer’s Report as of 8/30/2010

Balance forward as of 6/15/10: 662.61,
Out: Childcare 80.00
Bank Charges _2.00_
Total out: 82.00
Current balance: 580.61

2) Calendaring (past current published calendar)
November 9th CDM-at Emily’s
November 20th (3rd Shabbat) – at Max’s
December 3rd is Shabbat Chanukah, possible joint celebration with Beyt Chesed (Vicky will check)
December 18th (3rd Shabbat)-
January 15th (3^rd Shabbat-MLK weekend)-
January 23rd : (Sunday) Tu B’Shvat Seder at Rivka’s 5-8. Vicky will check in with Rivka regarding the time and look for someone to help set up.
February 7th CDM-

3) We worked with Vicky to finalize the wording of the appeal letter. It will go out with the words to Ed’s Nishmat Chai anniversary song, the next calendar, a copy of our brochure and a return envelope. Vicky will followup by email to the list a week after the mailing arrives. (Note: there are a few names on the email list that are not on the paper mailing list.) Thank you, Vicky.

4) New material on website: Mp3 files of of sections of feminine Hebrew in the Torah service and of Ed singing the Chai Anniversary song have been recorded and will be posted on the website.

5) Torah Service: We discussed how has it gone not to have kavanot for two services and also a question raised about the tone of the Torah service and impromptu jokes and comments that sometimes come up during the service. A range of comments included: people who missed kavanot and preferred Torah reading w/o translation; people who liked the simultaneous translation and didn’t mind or liked the kavanot as well. Appreciation for the effort that well-prepared Torah reading takes, with or without translation. Feeling that jokes during the Torah service indicate engagement with the Torah. Feeling that joking is disrespectful. Concern that some people may get heard more than others. Concern about dealing with all these issues sensitively. Decision: to continue Torah Service without kavanot until next CDM as a continued experiment and let people know we want their input.

6) Childcare Report: George provided childcare for both of the last 2 services; children were present for both. Ed has volunteers to fill in if George is not available.

7) Decided: Jason Moses, the organizer of the, has offered to post information about Nishmat Shalom gatherings on his website, He will not publicize the home addresses of the hosts but would ask people who want to attend the events to contact Ed by phone for more information.. Lea will be in touch with Jason about how he would like to get Nishmat’s information.

8) Decided: Authorizing Paul to post similar info on <> <> . Max will contact Paul.

9) Report: from Lea on Camping Shabbaton plans. Decided: Lea will announce to jenslist and Aquarian Minyan.

10) Report: We reached consensus as an interim-CDM decision to lend the Torah Scroll to Jewish Gateways for High Holy Day services. Nishmat will receive a donation if funds are received through the JCC above their expenses.

11) Discussion: whether to set aside donations received for use of Torah in a fund for a new (smaller) ark that the Torah might travel in and other Torah-related expenses (Continue at next meeting). Max would potentially volunteer to build it or assist with building. Need a design. Vicky will do some background research; Lea and Emily will check on local resources for design.

12) Decision: We will participate in the Shalom Bayit "Adopt-A-Family" again this year, soliciting funds from Nishmat Shalom folks to purchase gifts anonymously for a family affected by domestic violence? Thank you Lea for continuing to lead this effort.

13) Hosting: we will look for cleanup/setup help for hosts. Vicky will initiate this.

14) Raja will continue to handle inter CDM decisions.

For future CDM:
*Treasury report and question: have all checks from Nishmat been deposited?
*Future Shabbat dates to consider:
February 19th (3rd Shabbat)—Pres weekend
March 19th (3rd Shabbat)
April 16th (3rd Shabbat)
May 21st (3rd Shabbat)
June 11th (2d Shabbat)
*Future CDM: May 15th
*Potential Erev Shira to be hosted by Judy and Mitchell with support from Ethel on a Sunday afternoon to be determined.*
***Childcare report and bonus question
*Review new publicity efforts
*Should we raise or set aside funds for a new ark? and
*Progress on information on potential new ark.
*Continue discussion on Service:
-Shall we continue not having kavanot during the Torah service?
-How to handle impromptu discussion of Torah during service?
--Perhaps come up with a guiding/welcoming service on the Torah service